Our School » About Us

About Us

At St. Martha Catholic School, it is our mission to give every child an opportunity to shine. We embrace a faith-filled environment that encourages confident and curious learners and engaged problem solvers. St. Martha is a community school that supports and develops partnerships with the larger community and constantly looks for meaningful ways to allow students to make a difference in their neighbourhood, their city, and the world.
Holy Name of Jesus Parish
Located at 950 Old Kingston Mills Road in Kingston, ON.

 St. Martha Catholic School is located in Greenwood Park subdivision in Kingston East, and serves a community that includes suburban and rural areas, CFB Kingston, and Howe Island.  Our school is located in the parish community of Holy Name Catholic Church and we place a strong emphasis on developing our faith through service within our school community.  This year we will focus on the Jubilee Year of Mercy, reflecting on mercy that welcomes, loves, forgives, lives the Gospel and rejoices.

Our school benefits from community partnerships, some of which include: St. Martha Daycare, Terry Fox Foundation, Hotel Dieu Art Gallery, United Way, Clothes for Kids, Kingston Military Family Resource Centre, Knights of Columbus, St. Lawrence College and the Faculty of Education at Queen's University.    The St. Martha Catholic School Council is a strong and vital part of our school community.  Our Catholic School Council works in partnership with staff to enhance student achievement and well-being for all students by purchasing equipment and resources as well as sponsoring community-building events throughout the school year.

In addition to our regular curriculum programs, St. Martha Catholic School offers a variety of student leadership activities including sports teams, Choir, ECO Team, Social Justice Committee, Yearbook Committee, Intramural Teams, Lego Club, Safe Schools Team and Learning Commons Committee.​

We believe that children learn best through rich and engaging tasks, inquiry learning, and a reciprocal teaching and learning format that uses technology at point of instruction to reinforce the essential skills of collaboration, critical thinking, communication, creativity and inquiry.  We believe that our programs should prepare students for the rapidly changing, technology driven, globalized world around them.